The LM core provides assistance in sample preparation, trouble-shooting, choosing the appropriate instruments, and in data analysis. Possibility for collaboration. Cell culture space to culture and manipulate cells before and between microscopic imaging is available.
Equipment and Technology:
Confocal microscopy: laser scanning and spinning disk
TIRF imaging, FRAP, FRET and FLIM measurements
Light sheet microscopy: high resolution 4D mesoscopic imaging
Motorized semi-automated histology microscopy
Multiphoton microscopy: imaging deep into thick samples
Optical Projection Tomography: 3D imaging of large samples up to cm size
Correlative light and electron microscopy with EM core
Open access for all microscopes and instruments after the user training (organized by request).
Multicolor widefield and confocal imaging of fixed specimens
Time lapse imaging of living cells, organs, cysts, tubes, embryos...
Top stage incubators with temp, CO2 and O2 controlled environment
Protein dynamics in 3D environments and planar surfaces